The AI In African Innovation Explained

Published 10 months ago
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Analyzing the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (ai), its impact across sectors with a special focus on innovations and ai startups in africa, and the need for mindful navigation in shaping ai’s future landscape.

The last three years have witnessed an unprecedented symphony of development and interest in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). Its transformative potential, destined to reshape work and human development, is being felt tangibly around the globe for the first time, despite having been present in some form or another for several decades. Like any burgeoning revolution, AI has its skeptics — those who dismiss it as just another transient fad, akin to cryptocurrencies and Non- Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Despite these misgivings, AI’s exponential growth and the multitude of its applications differentiate it from a passing tech trend – we are already witnessing AI’s formidable grip in sectors as diverse as finance and data analysis, programming, and multiple creative domains — marking AI’s evolution from a nascent idea to a legitimate driving force in our global technological landscape.


As this impressive engine of growth races ahead, critical questions about labor and wealth inequality loom. The full implications of AI are yet to be determined, as many of its applications are still in their infancy. And while the narrative has often centered on AI’s development in the West — particularly the progression of large language models (LLMs) — it is crucial to recognize the parallel innovations unfurling in Africa. A new generation of African innovators is embracing AI, fostering local solutions to local challenges, proving that significant breakthroughs are happening right in our backyard.

In the face of AI’s breakneck pace of development, it’s essential to anchor ourselves in the origins of this technology — to understand where AI began from an ancient dream into a modern reality, and the varied types and real-world implications, especially in Africa.

Ghost in the machine

The origins of AI trace back to time immemorial, with the idea of automatons – self-operating machines – deeply embedded in the tapestry of human history. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks held beliefs in mechanical creatures imbued with a kind of spirit or voice — statues of wood or men of bronze and iron that could mimic life’s vital functions. These initial imaginings of AI shed light on humanity’s long-standing fascination with replicating life artificially.

In the 20th century this notion of life replication takes a leap forward, crystallizing into the foundational theory of modern AI. At the helm was the mathematician and computer scientist, Alan Turing. He posited the revolutionary idea of a ‘Turing Complete’ system or platform — a machine capable of performing any task solvable algorithmically, much like most programming languages today. Turing’s concept of ‘artificial neurons,’ capable of such functions, laid the cornerstone for AI’s development. Turing’s pioneering work sparked a wave of breakthroughs in the AI domain. In the mid-20th century, key figures such as Allen Newell, Herbert A. Simon, John McCarthy, and Marvin Minsky emerged as the torchbearers of AI’s evolution. Together, they helped establish the field of AI and made significant strides in its development.


Their collective contributions propelled the AI narrative from a rudimentary concept to an intricate scientific discipline, setting the stage for AI’s transformative role in the world we know today.

Not all machines are made equal

A quick Google search reveals a cosmos of AI apps, allowing for everything from therapy chatbots to video editing. The last year has witnessed an explosion of AI innovations, prompting a surge in AI’s presence in everyday discourse. Despite this apparent novelty, we’ve been cohabiting with some form of AI for several decades now.

‘Narrow AI’ or ‘weak AI’, is what we are most familiar with. These are a class of AI systems designed to excel in specific tasks within a confined domain. This form of AI has been an invisible companion, aiding us in numerous ways. Apple’s virtual assistant Siri, integrated into the mobile iOS platform since 2011, has been aiding users in performing specific tasks such as making phone calls, scheduling calendar appointments, and more. In the same league is Amazon’s Alexa, and Google’s Assistant.

The truly transformative waves are being made by ‘General AI’ or ‘strong AI’. These systems are designed to approximate human-like intelligence, aiming to execute any intellectual task a human might undertake. They strive to demonstrate cognitive abilities such as reasoning, deduction, common sense thinking, and abstraction, a substantially more complex endeavor.


Until recently, the creation of a General AI seemed a far-off milestone, a vision more aligned with science fiction than reality. But, the advent of generative AI is changing that narrative.

Generative AI is no longer a distant dream; it’s a burgeoning reality. But to truly understand its significance, we must delve into its building blocks: deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), and neural networks.

Deep learning, an offshoot of machine learning, harnesses artificial neural networks to learn from large quantities of data. It’s the foundation that enables AI systems to interpret and understand the world, much like the human brain does. NLP, on the other hand, empowers AI to comprehend and respond to human language, allowing it to interact more naturally with us. Both these fields are anchored in the concept of neural networks, AI models inspired by the human brain that enable machines to learn from experience.

These technologies constitute the core of modern AI, enabling the development of powerful AI systems that can understand, learn, predict, and potentially function autonomously.


Enter Generative AI

A distinct class of AI platforms has started making waves, its ripples felt across society and diverse industries, from cybersecurity to programming and creative writing. This is the realm of Generative AI. Systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Bing’s Chat represent this new age of AI, capable of engaging with an array of problems and redefining the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

But what sets Generative AI apart? At its heart, it involves creating content from scratch. Unlike traditional AI systems that analyze input to produce a predictable output, Generative AI leverages an understanding of data patterns to produce an entirely new, unique output. This is accomplished through a specialized form of machine learning known as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

GANs operate with a kind of internal rivalry. Comprising two parts, a generator and a discriminator, these networks play a game of cat and mouse. The generator creates new data instances, while the discriminator evaluates them for authenticity; that is, whether they seem to come from the actual dataset as opposed to being artificially created. This internal competition fuels the system to continuously improve and adapt, enabling the generation of highly convincing artificial data.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Bing’s Chat exemplify how potent this technology can be. ChatGPT, for instance, can generate coherent and contextually relevant text given an input, emulating human-like text patterns. This powerful capacity has opened a plethora of applications in fields like content creation, customer service, and even tutoring.


The arrival of Generative AI signifies a paradigm shift in the AI world. It’s not just about developing AI that can understand and learn from data anymore; it’s about creating AI that can generate new, original content, push creative boundaries, and find solutions in complex landscapes.

Africa is one such landscape.


Amidst the labyrinthine possibilities offered by AI, many ethical considerations also arise. The advent of AI also poses significant implications for the world of work. On one hand, AI has the potential to automate routine tasks, liberate human creativity, and create new kinds of work. On the other, it could lead to job displacement and exacerbate wealth inequality if not managed responsibly.

The situation gains an added layer of complexity in Africa, a continent grappling with high unemployment rates and a


burgeoning youth population. According to a recent report by the African Development Bank, the continent’s youth population could be an advantage in the adoption and growth of AI systems.

However, existing inequalities might make job displacement even stronger, making the need for ethical AI practices and thoughtful labor policies even more pressing.

It’s vital to ensure that the adoption of AI doesn’t outpace the ability of workers to reskill or find new jobs.

Government preparedness to make use of AI, or regulate its impact on the economy and labor force, varies drastically across the continent, with only Mauritius, Egypt and Kenya having dedicated national strategies.

Moreover, there’s a need for transparency and accountability in how AI affects the labor market. Workers should have a say in how AI is implemented in their workplaces and should be adequately supported in navigating the AI-driven transition.

Also, it’s important to build robust ethical frameworks to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a way that respects labor rights and promotes economic justice.

Within limits: hallucinations

“What they are able to imagine becomes more real to them.” Hallucinations, Oliver Sacks, 2012.

The march of AI’s progress, while filled with exhilarating innovation, also walks in the shadow of challenges and limitations.

AI systems, despite their intellectual prowess, can become targets of adversarial attacks. These are strategic attempts to mislead AI algorithms through manipulated input, leading to incorrect output. This vulnerability poses significant threats in areas such as cybersecurity and data integrity, making it an area of increasing concern for AI developers.

Another challenge is data poisoning — a type of attack where malicious actors inject false data into the learning process of AI systems, consequently affecting the decisions these systems make. Such attacks can not only undermine the effectiveness of AI systems but can also pose serious risks if these systems are used in critical domains such as healthcare or defense.

Beneath the formidable capabilities of AI lies a caveat — it lacks the nuanced understanding of context, emotions, and human-like reasoning. This limitation becomes evident in areas like NLP, where despite impressive advancements, AI struggles to fully grasp the intricacies of human language and sentiment.

Moreover, balancing AI’s capabilities with privacy and security concerns presents a complex dilemma. While AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data can lead to groundbreaking insights, it also brings up concerns about data privacy and consent, requiring careful consideration and stringent regulations.

Finally, the use of AI in content moderation and censorship opens up a can of worms.

While AI can help moderate and filter harmful or inappropriate content, it may inadvertently suppress freedom of expression or fall victim to political manipulation. Here, the challenge lies in leveraging AI’s capabilities while ensuring it does not become an instrument of oppression or bias.

Ubiquity of AI

From the familiar chime of a smartphone notification to the recommended movie on a streaming service, AI has silently become a ubiquitous presence in our everyday life. But it’s not just about trivia and entertainment — the reach of AI extends far beyond, weaving itself into the very fabric of our society and business operations.

Many of us interact with AI-powered technologies on a daily basis, often without realizing it. The friendly virtual assistant that sets your alarms and reminders, the sophisticated chatbots that swiftly handle customer service queries, and the personalized recommendation systems that curate your shopping and streaming experiences — these are all shining examples of AI working behind the scenes to simplify our lives.

However, the ubiquitous nature of AI comes with both promise and caution. The potential economic and social implications of widespread AI adoption are enormous. On one hand, it promises to drive productivity, improve decision- making, and create new job opportunities. On the other, it raises concerns about job displacement, privacy issues, and an increased digital divide.

Beyond everyday applications, AI plays a pivotal role in tackling more complex issues. It’s at the forefront of combating digital threats like deep fakes, which use AI to create realistic fake videos or audio recordings, and misinformation, where AI can help detect and mitigate the spread of false information.

Yet, as AI becomes increasingly pervasive, it also amplifies concerns around bias and freedom of expression. For instance, the algorithms behind news feeds or search engines can unintentionally create echo chambers, reinforcing our existing beliefs and narrowing our world view. As we continue to entrust AI with these roles, it becomes imperative to ensure it promotes diversity of thought and doesn’t impinge on our freedom of expression.

Here, now

AI is no longer an abstract concept or an elusive future — it’s here, it’s now, and it’s reshaping our world in ways we could only imagine a few decades ago.

In traversing the fascinating journey of AI — from its early theoretical conceptions to its current state of ubiquity, it’s important to remember its ability to generate new wonders and solutions hand in hand with magnifying existing inequalities.

Amidst these challenges, the resilience and ingenuity of Africa’s AI ecosystem shines through. The journey ahead is an uncharted one, filled with immense opportunities and formidable challenges. But as Africa stands at the threshold of this AI revolution, it also stands at the cusp of a transformative era — one where AI could be the catalyst that accelerates its leap into a future of unprecedented growth and prosperity.