Tag: Coronavirus deaths


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South African truck drivers receive COVID-19 vaccine

[IN NUMBERS] Coronavirus Update: COVID-19 In Africa

Published 2 years ago By Forbes Africa
Scientist in a protective suit holds and compares two different Coronavirus of different color in his hands. Creative image.

WHO Tracking New Covid Variant Named Mu, Warns It Could Be More Resistant To Vaccine

Published 2 years ago By Forbes
Dept of Correctional Services Vaccination Rollout Launch in South Africa

Mixed AstraZeneca-Pfizer Vaccine Boosts Covid Antibody Levels, Korea Study Finds

Published 3 years ago By Forbes
News Conference On Chinese Vaccines Against COVID-19 In Beijing

China ‘Shocked’ By WHO’s Plan To Investigate Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory

Published 3 years ago By Forbes
Hydroxychloroquine Sulphate tablets with coronavirus written in background

Doctor Pleads Guilty To Pushing Covid ‘Miracle Cure’ And Hydroxychloroquine Smuggling Scheme

Published 3 years ago By Forbes

Pfizer Will Ask FDA To Authorize Third Covid-19 Shot As A Booster

Published 3 years ago By Forbes
In this photo illustration the medical syringe is seen with

Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines May Offer Years-Long Protection Against Covid-19, Scientists Say

Published 3 years ago By Forbes
Kenya Vaccinates Elderly Against Covid-19

AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Antibody Treatment Failed To Prevent Symptoms In Exposed Individuals

Published 3 years ago By Forbes

WHO Classifies Indian Covid-19 Mutation As A ‘Variant Of Concern’

Published 3 years ago By Forbes
Michael Nardone, who plays D.I Neil McKinven in the BBC

England Reports Zero New Coronavirus Deaths For First Time In 14 Months

Published 3 years ago By Forbes

The Advancements In Medical Technology That Go Beyond Covid-19

Published 3 years ago By Forbes Africa
Man holding passport and boarding pass at airline check-in counter

What Travel Freedom Looks Like In The Pandemic World

Published 3 years ago By Forbes Africa
Woman examining laboratory samples

Africa Reloaded: The Power Of The Collective In Science And Health

Published 3 years ago By Forbes Africa

A Year With The Virus, South Africa Moves From Alert Level 3 to 1

Published 3 years ago By Chanel Retief

Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Over 95% Effective In Israel, New Study Reportedly Shows

Published 3 years ago By Forbes
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