‘The One Thing I Want To Do Before I Die’

Published 4 years ago

Thembani Biyam was appointed Head of Strategy & Monetisation for OLX South Africa when he was only 28. Now, as the Head of Growth at Orderin, one of the top three online food delivery companies in South Africa, he is responsible for strategic projects, product, design and growth marketing. He speaks about his best and worst investment experience.

What do you splurge on?

Definitely food; it’s the way to my heart. Then travel. Then tech toys, mostly photography and videography stuff like drones and stabilizer sticks for shooting vlogs. I love vlogging and editing for fun.


What has your worst investment blunder been?

My best and worst experience was investing in cryptocurrency. I got in late but bought some Bitcoin and Ethereum, and my investment grew about 350% in six months. Problem is, it crashed real quickly too. I got a lot of it out in time but lost a lot of it as well.


If you had to work but didn’t need the money, what would you choose to do?

Develop high school, university and professional basketball in South Africa to, at least, the European level. It’s the one thing I want to do before I die. I was an aspiring basketball player in high school but there were no proper structures in place to fully develop and the options for me to play professionally didn’t exist. I want that for my kids.


Where do you not mind waiting?

At home. If I am out in the world, I hate waiting for anything.

Fast food or home cooking?

Home cooking anytime. But fast food delivery every now and then doesn’t hurt (especially if it’s from Orderin).


Do you own anything you consider priceless?

Nothing material. More memories and perspectives.

Should people work for money or fulfilment?

Both. We all have to eat and do nice things, right? Those things cost hard-earned [money]. I would say, if you can continually optimize your career towards work that provides a combination of both, but increasingly nearing fulfilment versus money, that would be a win.


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What kind of debt is okay?

The type that is income generating is the ‘most’ okay. Robert Kiyosaki talks about debt that generates income like property loans, business loans, and even credit card used for positive income-generating activities. Then, there are scenarios where you may really need debt to bail you out, but hopefully, you have savings and liquid investments for that. Then, there is a grey area around things like cars, phones etc. For this category, I would say, just make sure you can afford it from your income.

Do you follow a strict budget?


I do my absolute best to. There are some ‘treat yourself’ months sprinkled in there.

Would you rather never be able to express yourself accurately or always have to say the exact truth?

I always have to say the exact truth. A world of never being able to be a little colorful and fun in expressing myself would be a dark world.


Related Topics: #Featured, #olx, #OrderIn, #personal finance.